To edit a time entry, double-click on the time entry, or click on the Edit button, or select “Edit Time Entry…” from the Edit menu. Click on the Apply button to see the changes on the document before clicking the OK button. The changes revert back if you click on Cancel. Press the Tab key to go from field to field.
Start Date, Start Time, Stop Time, Elapsed Time and Paused Time. If the time entry is the active time entry, then only the Start Time can be changed. Use the pop-up menu to select the other time values to edit. Click on one of the time values, and change it's value by clicking on either the up or down arrow, or by typing the numbers with the keyboard.
Auto-adjust elapsed time. When checked, the elapsed time is adjusted automatically when you change the Start Time or Stop Time. You probably will want this checked.
Category. Use the pop-up menu to change the category. The number in the parenthesis is the hourly rate associated with the category.
Project. Use the pop-up menu to change the project.
Notes. Use the Notes section for notes about each time entry. This can be for any purpose you find useful. The standard Macintosh edit commands are available when entering notes (cut, copy, paste, and clear). You probably should keep your notes somewhat brief, as they may run off the page when printing from TimeTracker. However, if you export your TimeTracker document and then import it into a database program, such as Excel or FileMaker, then there should be no problem printing. The small box with the number shows how many characters you've entered. The limit is 254 characters (this will be expanded in a future version of TimeTracker).
Hourly Rate. The hourly rate for the time entry is determined by the selected category. Enter a number to override the hourly rate for the time entry.
Mark. Click on Mark or Unmark to mark or unmark the time entry.